Monday, March 17, 2008

this ain't no normal teaching job

saw these today-- the requirements for being considered for the $125,000 teaching job at the new charter experiment here in new york. crazy!

TEP Charter

Rigorous Qualifications
Meta-analyses of studies of teacher characteristics show that while the effects of some teacher characteristics (e.g. degree level, teacher preparation, teacher certification) on student achievement are inconclusive, other characteristics such as teacher academic proficiency [i], teacher verbal ability [ii], and teacher content-area knowledge [iii] are strongly related to improving student achievement. In addition, a certain threshold of teaching experience has been shown to have important positive effects on student achievement, since teachers tend to improve dramatically in their first few years in the classroom. [iv]

Using this research on highly-effective teachers, TEP has developed 8 requirements that its teachers must meet in order to demonstrate their qualifications in 4 major areas. The 4 areas are:

(1) Expert Subject-Area Knowledge demonstrated through
(a) a 90% or higher standardized test score in relevant subject area*
(b) significant undergraduate and/or graduate coursework and excellent grades in relevant subject area

(2) Outstanding Verbal Ability demonstrated through
(a) a 90% or higher score in the verbal section of the GRE or GMAT or LSAT*
(b) two writing samples, one long-form and one-short form

(3) Teaching Expertise and Experience demonstrated through
(a) a portfolio of achievement of past students, utilizing both quantitative and qualitative data
(b) three live teaching auditions
(c) an essay describing personal pedagogical beliefs and approach

(4) Strong Curriculum Development Ability demonstrated through
(a) one originally developed and refined curricular tool of any form (e.g. written materials, instructional methodology, technological innovation).

*Note: You may submit a Preliminary Application even if you have not yet achieved the required standardized exam scores. You will be required to take the required exams at a later stage in the application process.


ahnka said...

I guess I'll have to give it a few years and see how it pans out.

I'm all for raising the salary if the stakes are raised too, but I'm more skeptical about it all than anything. I still can't put a finger on why, exactly, this whole thing irks the hell out of me. Maybe because, and this is most likely my own hang-ups, I don't see a very colorful faculty teaching the brown population the school will serve.

havestrength said...

yeah. doesn't seem much like your usual teaching pool, right? we already have a problem with a lack of diversity in the classroom, and i wonder how teachers will handle all of the added responsibility.

maybe it will work, but i, like you, doubt it.