that's what i'm trying to figure out. i'm almost 25, which means if i plan on getting a ph.d. i need to get to it, quick. i also need to get in shape, NOW, so i'm looking into gym membership and personal training for the winter. maybe i should have applied to grad school this winter. maybe not getting my recs together was a big mistake. i don't know. i don't know where i would want to go, or what i would want to study, but i feel like time is passing me by!
boo. all i currently do is confuse myself, to be honest. i run in circles in my head, weighing my decisions. i'm happy to say i think i'm moving forward on the professional connections piece, but i still haven't quite figured out where they're taking me.
i think it's kinda sad that i use my days off to worry about work. :(
anyway, it's saturday. party on!
how does one become one of those beautiful, put-together, educated black women whose blogs one reads out there in the blogosphere? well-dressed, well-read, with a ph.d., a beautifully appointed apartment, a loving partner, great cooking skills and a bag of important contacts all over the country/world, and under 30?
when you find out, joy, please do not hesitate to let me know.
will do, b!, though you seem to be well on your go with that thanksgiving dinner!
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